(March 26, 2021)
Lewiston SMART’s “Strong Mayor” Ballot Initiative Collects Enough Valid
Signatures to Make it on the Nov 2nd Ballot
Just one month after a local group of concerned Lewiston residents formed Lewiston SMART, a political
action committee with the goal of returning government to the people, their petition has collected the
necessary valid signatures to place the Lewiston “Strong Mayor” Initiative on the November 2 nd Ballot.
Lewiston SMART’s “Strong Mayor” petition drive started less than a month ago and quickly gained over 50
volunteers who began collecting signatures. Yesterday, the Nez Perce County Clerk, Patty Weeks, informed
Lewiston SMART that her office has validated the necessary number of signatures to certify the initiative
for the November 2 nd Ballot. The initiative will be named “Proposition One” on November’s ballot.
Lewiston SMART believes that Lewiston’s current format of Council-Manager city government is failing to
serve its citizens. The Lewiston City Manager operates with little accountability to the voters. Lewiston
SMART’s “Strong Mayor” Ballot Initiative, Proposition One, will give the voters the opportunity to continue
the current dysfunctional Council-Manager Plan or change Lewiston’s form of government to an ELECTED
Mayor who manages the city and is accountable directly to the voters. Virtually every other city in Idaho
has a “Strong Mayor” form of government.
Lewiston SMART believes Lewiston voters deserve the opportunity to choose Lewiston’s form of
government and will continue to circulate petitions until the April 30 th deadline. We hope to accumulate
over 3000 signatures to demonstrate that Lewiston residents want change.
Lewiston SMART plans a “Strong Mayor/Proposition One” campaign kickoff at 4pm Friday April 30 th on the
front step of Lewiston City Hall. Lt Gov Janice McGeachin will keynote this event that will start with a WWII
Warbird fly-over! Please plan to attend this event and help us change Lewiston for the better!
Lewiston SMART will also be conducting numerous educational events for the public to gain additional
information about how a “Strong Mayor” government will benefit the community as well as how to
participate in the campaign and just say “No!” -
Proposition One: Shall the City of Lewiston retain its organization under the “council-manager plan”?
Vote: “ No” and Lewiston will change to an ELECTED Strong Mayor form of government!
“No (more…unaccountable City Manager!)”
“No (more…emergency powers given to an UNELECTED City Manager!)”
“No (more…hidden illegal transfers of money from city utilities to other projects!)”
“No (more…barriers between elected officials and city staff!)”
For additional information, please feel free to contact Joseph Gish or Maureen Anderson @
S – Strong
M – Mayor
A – Accountable to the Voters!
R – Responsive to the People!
T – Tax Payers have a VOICE!
New Paragraph
Thank you for contacting us.
Lewiston SMART is a political non-profit group formed by a group of concerned local citizens with the goal of transforming Lewiston’s city government to make it accountable to the people. The members of Lewiston SMART believe that Lewiston’s current "council-manager plan" form of city government is failing to properly serve its citizens. The Lewiston City Manager operates with little accountability to the voters. Lewiston SMART’s Strong Mayor Ballot Initiative will give the voters the opportunity to continue the current dysfunctional “council-manger plan", or change Lewiston’s form of government to an ELECTED “Strong Mayor" who manages the city and is accountable directly to the voters.
We will send you information on the "Strong Mayor" initiative and campaign events as it becomes available.